UDC: 622.242.422:622.276.04 622.279.04
DOI: -
Starokon' Ivan V.
1 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas
Keywords: offshore oil and gas structures, life, corrosion, vibration, temperature, exposure
The problems of evaluating environmental effects on the life of offshore oil and gas facilities are discussed. The methods used in domestic and international regulatory frameworks to assess the life of offshore oil and gas facilities are analyzed. It is noted that the issues of loads, causing variable voltages are given considerable attention, but “the effects of influence”, which also create different variable voltages, are not well considered. At the present time there is no technique with respect to offshore oil and gas installations that would allow to describe the nature of these effects and deduce numerical-analytical dependences of influence of these effects on the life of offshore oil and gas facilities. Therefore, the problem is posed by the author to systematize the influence on the life of offshore oil and gas facilities, and to develop a mathematical tool that allows to identify specific numerical values of the variable voltages caused by these effects.
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