Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 544.7:544.4:622.245
DOI: -


Efimov Nikolaj N.1,
Nozdrja Vladimir I.1,
Rodnova Valentina Y.1,
Jakovenko Vitalij A.1

1 LLC «Research and Production Company «Spetsburmaterialy»

Keywords: silicа sol, gelling kinetics, repair and insulation works


The physicochemical and technological properties of the gel-forming composition based on concentrated alkaline silica sol of Polygel ACM-KZ are studied. The results of the estimation of the kinetics of bulk gelling in the presence of cement stone, the strength of gels, the sealing, and frost resistance are presented. Oilfield tests of the composition showed high efficiency for eliminating intercasing pressure, behind-the-casing flow and leakage of the couplings.


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