
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 666.96; 665.637.8; 665.61.7 (075.8); 665.775; 620.171.2
DOI: -


Gureev Alexey A.1,
Tukilina Polina M.2,
Nguyen Thi Thanh Yen 1

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
2 Public corporation “Srednevolzhsky scientific research institute on oil refining”

Keywords: oil road binders, GOST 33133, Superpave, bitumen production technology, storage and transportation of bitumen, expansion of assortment of binders, durability, elasticity


The article summarizes some of the activities of the SEC “Bituminous materials” of the University, and all studies of the RECs of the BM are based on the principles created by Professor Z.I. Syunyaev and the successfully developed scientific school “Oil dispersed systems”. It is shown that the most important factor for ensuring the durability of road surfaces from asphalt concrete mixtures (ABS) is the existence of reversible deformations of the binder material (elasticity); and in a certain interval of values of the depth of oxidation of tar, along with the loss of elasticity, the product acquires an ever higher plasticity. The necessity of making additions and changes to the current GOST 33133 is also shown. The principles of testing organization, knitting in the American system Superpave, proposed for introduction in the Russian Federation, are given. Examples of the development of bitumen production technologies in the Russian Federation are given, taking into account modern concepts of production and technological complexes in oil refining; The advantages of the developed and introduced with the participation of the authors of the technology of production of compound bitumen of Novobit brands are explained. The need to expand the assortment of modified road bitumen on the Russian market is shown both through the use of cheaper thermoplastic polymers and by grafting polymer molecules to native tar-asphaltene tar structures. The conclusion is made about the expediency of creating powerful bitumen terminals associated with the plans for the development of the country's road network, as well as a number of practical recommendations for the creation of roads of European quality in Russia.


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