Scientific and technical journal
«Proceedings of Gubkin University»
ISSN 2073-9028

UDC: 622.276.031:532.11 (571.56)
DOI: -

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University, Leninskiy prospect, 65, 119991, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 NPO SNGS Ltd, Dmitrovsky proezd, d. 10, bld. 1, 107422, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 LLC NPF “Geoscan”, ul. Rakhova, d. 187/213, 410005, Saratov, Russian Federation
Keywords: georadiolocation, geonavigation, horizontal wells, GIS, GIS-drilling, water-oil contact, gas-water contact
The analysis of the current state of exploration of the geological environment by borehole georadars is made on the basis of which the prospects for using the available modern technical solutions and techniques for processing and interpreting the information are given. These are adaptated to oil and gas fields during well construction. The main physico-geological models of productive layers, characteristic for the geological structure of gas, gas-condensate and oil deposits, are considered. In the process of work, modeling was used, including the use of special physical models. Based on the results of the research, conclusions were drawn about the most optimal way of development and introduction of a new technology, i.e. the creation of an instrumentation and methodological complex for geonavigation of well bores using georadars.
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