UDC: 622.691.4
DOI: -
Budzulyak Bogdan V.1,2,
Levitskiy Dmitry N.2,
Lopatin Alexey S.2,
Kuznechikov Alexander S.2
1 Self-Regulatory Organization “Association the builders of gas and oil complexes”2 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)
Keywords: gas transmission system; gas transport; power expenses; system; natural gas; principles of development
The most important problems of the gas transmission system of Russia are ensuring the required volumes of transportation of gas and uninterrupted operation of supply of natural gas to consumers, increase in reliability of operation and minimization of power costs of transport of gas. These are solved in the process of design, construction, operation, reconstruction and modernization of the system and its main objects. The solution of the main tasks faced by the national gas transmission system is based on the study and analysis of thermogasdynamic processes occurring in the main objects and the power producing equipment used. It requires the knowledge of the structure, the principles of construction, the operation and control of the gas transmission system, the actual and planned operating modes of the gas transmission system and its main objects, the devices and schemes of the operation of the main objects, the design and characteristics of the used power producing equipment, the mathematical description of the working processes in the main objects and power producing equipment of the gas mains, methods of determination of thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of the working bodies of the power producing equipment and the systems of the main transport of gas.
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