
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 66.069.83
DOI: -


Khodyrev Alexander I.1,
Kulikov Sergei A.2,
Kulikova Irina S.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
2 RMG RUS, Moscow, Moscovskiy village, Russian Federation

Keywords: gas pipeline, fluid atomization, gas-liquid nozzle, droplets, deposition


The article deals with the problem of spraying liquid inside a pipeline using gas-liquid nozzles. When operating a gas-liquid nozzle installed in the pipeline, the formed droplets may deposit on the pipe wall at a distance of several meters from the nozzle, this can make the spraying process ineffective. The article presents the results of experimental studies performed on the stand, which allows evaluating the deposition rate of sprayed liquid on the walls of the pipelines with a diameter of 150, 300 and 500 mm and up to 10 meters long with one or two gas-liquid nozzles. It is shown that the deposition of the sprayed liquid occurs very intensively within the first ten meters from the point of installation of the nozzle: in most cases, more than half of the sprayed liquid is deposited. Tests have shown that the intensity of droplet deposition decreases with increasing pipe diameter and with increasing atomization fineness achieved by increasing the pressure drop of the sprayed gas and increasing the ratio of mass flow rates of gas and liquid. The use of a circuit with two identical nozzles, directed perpendicularly to the flow and towards each other, allows reducing the deposition rate of the sprayed liquid compared to one nozzle placed on the axis of the pipeline, with a pipe diameter of 300 and 500 mm.


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