
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 622.276.64/66
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2020-1(298)-142-154


Silin Mikhail A.1,
Magadova Ljubov' A.1,
Malkin Denis N.1,
Krisanova Polina K.1,
Krashevnikova Varvara A.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: hydraulic fracturing, gel, viscoelastic surfactant, viscosity, proppant


Aqueous solutions of polymers are most common hydraulic fracturing fluid, however, when applied they deteriorate reservoir properties due to the formation damage with the remains of an undamaged polymer gel. This work describes studies aimed at creating a modified polymer-free fluid for hydraulic fracturing based on a viscoelastic surfactant of national production NEFTENOL VUPAV. To give the viscoelastic composition the necessary technological properties of the fracturing fluid (high viscosity, elasticity, proppant-support properties, etc.), a new activator reagent was proposed, which is an aqueous solution of salts of metals of different chemical valences. It has been established that the introduction of the developed activator into the composition of a polymer-free fracturing fluid makes it possible to create systems with high elastic and viscous properties with lower concentrations of the surfactant. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of the widely used polymer fracturing fluids and the developed composition based on NEFTENOL VUPAV with the addition of an activator has been carried out. It was found that the NEFTENOL VUPAV-activator system can be used as a potential proppant fracturing fluid.


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