UDC: 622.242.424(204)
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2020-2(299)-44-54
Guseynov Chingis S.
Khazeev Vadim B.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: underwater oil and gas structures (UOGS), Arctic Seas, environmental loads, UOGS shells, arctic structures icing
The article outlines the problems of developing oil and gas fields in the Arctic Ocean, requiring the creation of submarine-ice floating vessels for the development of hydrocarbon resources in the freezing seas, and proposes an original design for drilling and production of oil and gas underwater floating structures (hereinafter - OGUFS). The article also describes the advantages of underwater placement of offshore oil and gas facilities at depths of approximately 138 meters below ice formations in comparison with the traditional Pentagon-88 type propulsion system. Based on these calculations, it was concluded that there is a significantly lower level of heat loss and that there is no icing problem in submarine floating structures, and the associated expediency of using this design in the development of Arctic shelf deposits is noted. A review of the remaining operational advantages of the subsea oil and gas facilities is provided.
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