UDC: 550.8.014
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2020-3(300)-5-17
Ipatov Andrey I.
Lazutkin Dmitry M.
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: well test, pressure, flow rate, hard-to-recover reserves, low-perme-able reservoirs, pressure gauge, log-log graph, interpretation
Due to the growing share of deposits formed by reservoirs with abnormally low permeability in the assets of oil and gas companies, the geophysical support of the production of such deposits is an urgent task. Conducting and interpreting hydrodynamic studies in reservoirs with abnormally low permeability is a complex task, which requires both, adjusting the methodology for conducting and interpreting studies, and the correct approach to aggregation. This article examines the problems encountered in well test surveys on hard-to-recover (HTR) reserves, substantiates the prerequisites for the occurrence of key uncertainties, and provides recommendations for well test methods in reservoirs with abnormally low permeability.
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