UDC: 550.8.05
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2020-3(300)-97-103
Ermakov Vasily Y V.
Ivashchenko Irina S.
1 Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation
2 Samaraneftekhimproekt JSC, Samara, Russian Federation
Keywords: continuous technological control, process-analytical territory, multidimensional model, assimilation, chemometrics
As a result of the development of oil production and refining industries, the risk of emergency oil spills increases. The complex chemical composition of oil and petroleum products leads to a number of environmental problems related to changes in the biological and microbiological properties of the soil cover, as well as to extensive damage to plants and animals. The process of natural rehabilitation of oil-contaminated soils is long and requires new technologies for continuous monitoring. The analysis of the collected data allows to correct and predict the progress of restoration of disturbed territories under the influence of many factors using the construction of a multidimensional trajectory. It is first proposed to use process-analytical technology (PAT) to control the restoration of contaminated areas.
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