Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028


UDC: 621.825
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2021-1(302)-72-80



1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: stability, main pipeline, deformation, stresses, gravity, bending moment


An algorithm for calculating the stability of oil trunk pipelines under the influence of high compressive stresses in seismically dangerous areas has been developed. The condition of the pipeline under axial compression is considered with respect for the internal pressure and the weight of the pipe with bulk soil, as well as the bending moment. To solve this problem we used the superposition method, which assumed the determination of the work against gravity and the bending work of the main pipeline. The analysis of the derived dependences showed that the bending stresses are large and can, together with the axial and circumferential stresses, cause residual deformations in the thin surface layer of the pipe. The obtained calculated dependences allow us to rationally choose the type of pipe under the specified operating conditions.


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