UDC: 551.732
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2021-4(305)-41-50
Afanasyeva Maria A.1
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: relict gas hydrates, climatic changes, Cambrian period, methanhydrates
The relevance of the presented work is connected with the numerous studies devoted to the research of the mechanisms of formation and existence of gas hydrates. The increased interest in these issues in the recent decades is closely related to the discovery of a widespread, relatively affordable source of hydrocarbon resources and a change in the structure of the fuel and economic complex as a whole (transition to predominantly gas consumption). The data of recent studies allow us to identify new aspects of the consideration of ancient processes that could serve as a catalyst for changes in global processes in the geological past. Based on the published data, conclusions are made about the possibilities of the existence of gas hydrates in the ancient strata of the Phanerozoic, mapping zones and the extent of their accumulation in the geological past in order to establish the impact on climatic changes and the organic world of past geological epochs.
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