
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028


UDC: 551.254
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2021-4(305)-75-83


Shaykhutdinova Gulnara Kh. 1,
Grishkevich Vladimir F.2

1 KogalymNIPIneft, Kogalym, Russian Federation
2 Tyumen Industrial University, Tyumen, Russian Federation

Keywords: Bazhenov Formation, soft sedimant deformations, migration, abnormal sequences, core


The object of the study is soft sediment deformation contribution in Bazhenov Formation “intermediate” reservoir structure within Kogalym Region (West Siberia). Past earthquakes are reflected in the core structural and textural features as microscale wave-like layers and carbonate nodules of Bazhenov undisturbed sequences and as sliding breccia and slump deformations of gigantic intrusive bodies of abnormal Bazhenov sequences. Soft sediment deformations are clearly detected in condensed layers of Bazhenov and Georgeiv formations in the area under study. The Imilorskoye oil field occupies a large zone of Bazhenov abnormal sequences. For example, Bazhenov acute-angled shape breccia fragments are accrued in sandy-silty carbonated matrix in the core of 431P Imilorskoye well. Cracks from bazhenite to carbonated matrix are the migration pathways for the oil generated in the local breccia fragments. On the one hand, deformation textures that occur in Bazhenov normal sequences complicate the reservoirs geometry, thereby worsening the reservoir properties in comparison with their initial state. But on the other hand, Bazhenov abnormal sequences zones form easy paths for oil migration from source rocks to higher and lower terrigenous reservoirs. Soft sediment deformations of the Bazhenov-Georgievsky complex reliably recorded intensive past seismic events, their temporal and spatial distribution in the rocks texture. Therefore, a complied study of condensed layers textures and regional tectonics makes it possible to increase the forecast accuracy of Bazhenov reservoir properties.


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