
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University
Improving attachment of PDC bit cutting structure

UDC: 622.245
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-1(306)-32-39



1 Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation
2 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: PDC plates, cutting surfaces of cutters, bit body, rock-breaking elements, elastic ring, PDC chisel, floating elastic stopper


The article presents the results of the research aimed at further improving the attachment of the PDC bit cutting structure. A new structural solution for the mechanical fastening of rotating cutters on the working surfaces of the blades of PDC bits is proposed. Rotating PDC cutters on the blades are fixed in special holes, with parts of a joint annular cavity of a semicircular, curvilinear or a different form made on the walls of the holes and on the walls of the carbide substrates of the cutters, at the same distance from the bottom of the hole and from the thrust end of the cutter. A locking elastic floating ring is installed inside the joint annular cavity providing guaranteed constant rotation of the PDC cutters during drilling. The main cutting surfaces of the cutters acting on the face with cutting edges are inclined relative to the plane passing through the center of the plate plane and the axis of the bit at a sharp angle. This ensures guaranteed rotation of the incisors and an increase in the intensity of destruction of the racing rock.


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