Scientific and technical journal
«Proceedings of Gubkin University»
ISSN 2073-9028

Ensuring safety of well construction based on intelligent early trouble prevention systems
UDC: 331.45:622.24:681.518
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-1(306)-40-51

1 Oil and gas research institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Gubkin Russian State University (National Research University) of Oil and Gas, Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: well construction safety, machine learning methods, Big GeoData, geological and technological research, neural network model, drilling of oil and gas wells, detection, trouble prediction and prevention
This article poses and provides solutions of ensuring the safety of the construction of oil and gas wells onshore and offshore using intelligent systems for early trouble prevention based on the results of processing Big GeoData from mudlogging measurements. The advantage of using artificial neural networks to solve the problems of identifying and predicting complications in the construction of oil and gas wells is that in the course of their creation and training, explicit and hidden patterns between geological and geophysical, technical and technological parameters are revealed with a given accuracy. Efficient formation, integration and clustering of ever-increasing multidimensional data volumes from sensors of various types used to measure parameters in the process of drilling wells is carried out using artificial intelligence technologies.
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