On the issue of the effect of ambient temperature on the efficiency of gas pumping unit
UDC: 622.691.4.052
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-1(306)-83-91
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: gas turbine plant, gas pumping unit, compressor station, system of cooling cyclic airs gas turbine unit, "harmful" local heating of the air, disposable power, energy efficiency
The temperature regime of the cyclic air of gas turbine plants has a significant impact on the output characteristics of gas compressor units due to its high content in the gas-air mixture (up to 98 %). In particular, with an increase in its temperature, a decrease in the power and efficiency of the installation, an increase in fuel gas consumption is observed. A significant decrease in output characteristics due to the peculiarities of the temperature regime is especially important for compressor stations located in the southern regions of Russia. In addition, the problem of high temperatures is complicated by local "harmful" air heating at compressor stations, which occurs as a result of air intake in the compression system of the compression system units. In the article, on the example of compressor stations in the southern region of Russia, the features of the temperature regime of cyclic air and its influence on the output characteristics of gas compressor units are analyzed. A temperature correction is proposed for the formula for calculating the available power of gas turbine plants, taking into account local "harmful" air heating at compressor stations.
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