Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University
Influence of hydrocarbon composition on low-temperature properties of diesel fuels with presence of pour point depressant

UDC: 665.753.4
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-3(308)-169-182



1 Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

Keywords: diesel fuel, hydrocarbon composition, molecular weight distribution of n-paraffins, low-temperature properties, pour point depressant


The article investigates the molecular weight distribution of n-paraffins and the hydrocarbon composition of various samples of diesel fuels. An analysis of the relationship between low-temperature properties and the studied characteristics was carried out to assess the effect of the molecular weight distribution of n-paraffins and hydrocarbon composition on the cloud point, filterability, and pour points with the presence of a pour point depressant and without it. Experimental confirmation of the established regularities was obtained. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the pour point of pure diesel fuels depends on the ratio of the concentrations of short-chain and long-chain n-paraffins. Thus, the sample with the highest ratio of short-chain to long-chain paraffins (0,976) has the highest pour point (–13,2 °C) and the widest fractional composition (147 °С), while the sample with the lowest ratio of short-chain to long-chain paraffins (0,316) has the lowest pour point (–34,3 °C) and the narrowest fractional composition (67 °С). It was established that the best injectivity to depressant additives is observed in samples with a wide fractional composition, i.e. for fuels with a large difference between the boiling points of 90 and 10 % fractions. Such fuels contain a large amount of both light and heavy paraffins, which are involved in the process of co-crystallization with a pour point depressant. The results of the study of the influence of the hydrocarbon composition on the low-temperature properties of diesel fuels showed that with an increase in the total content of paraffins (C12–C17) the injectivity of diesel fuel to a pour point depressant improves.


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