Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University
Modeling of mass transfer and filtration processes of reservoir gas condensate systems containning non-hydrocarbon components

UDC: 622.276.43
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-3(308)-82-100



1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Joint Institute of High Temperatures of the RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation
3 Gazprom VNIIGAZ, Moscow Region, Leninsky district, village Razvilka, Russian Federation

Keywords: complex filtration model, reservoir fluid, core, phase transitions, non-hydrocarbon components, computational experiment, Joule – Thomson effect, hydrate formation, Forchheimer’s law, gas condensate recovery, bottom-hole formation zone


The share of hard-to-recover reserves (HRZ) of hydrocarbons in the balance of extracted gas-oil fluids is increasing every year. This is due to the depletion of easily accessible oil and gas reserves, the complication of mining, geological and thermobaric conditions of field development, including, to a large extent, the extraction of gas and condensate from deposits in low-permeable reservoirs. The extraction of reservoir fluids from such oil and gas deposits containing non-hydrocarbon components is one of the current scientific and practical directions of the development of hydrocarbon deposits. At the same time, a characteristic feature of the development of low-permeability reservoirs is significant pressure depressions in the bottom-hole zones of the formation, which makes it difficult to use known approaches [1, 2]. Therefore, it is necessary to intensify experimental and theoretical studies to justify an increase in the level of production of HRZ hydrocarbons. In this regard, for a more complete theoretical description of fluid motion in a porous medium, including for studying filtration in a wider range of pressure changes – from reservoir pressure at which the fluid is in the gas phase, then pressure reduction to the pressure of the beginning of condensation and entry into the two-phase region, and then reduction to the maximum pressure condensation and lower, it is required to set up and conduct a computational experiment in the specified pressure ranges. These theoretical studies, taking into account the complexity of the nonlinearity and non-isothermal filtration processes, are important in the problems of condensate deposition in the reservoir, its accumulation and further partial removal from the bottom-hole zone and the influence of these processes on the parameters of the reservoir. The developed mathematical model of mass transfer and filtration and its numerical implementation makes it possible to answer these questions in more detail and adequately. The article determines the degree of influence of the processes of nonlinearity and non-isothermicity on the gas condensate characteristics (GCC) of a fluid in a porous medium. At the same time, at present, there are practically no results of laboratory experiments with this combination of thermodynamic processes. Therefore, computational filtration experiments were carried out in order to study the behavior of samples of multicomponent reservoir gas condensate mixtures on core reservoir models (RM) of operating fields in Eastern Siberia.


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