Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University
On evaluation of efficiency of of gas pumping units application

UDC: 622
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2022-4(309)-104-116



1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: compressor shop, gas pumping unit, gas turbine plant, energy efficiency, efficiency criterion, reliability, dependability, maintainability


The article discusses the importance of carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of operation of natural gas compression systems as part of the facilities of the National Gas Transmission System. Based on the developed system application, the authors proposed criteria for assessing the efficiency of gas compressor units, taking into account both technical and economic factors of the gas compression process. As the main parameters underlying the criterion, the output characteristics of gas compressor units and their reliability indicators – reliability and maintainability are taken. These parameters are considered on the example of a compressor station in the southern region of Russia. The universal applicability of the proposed criterion is substantiated both for evaluating the efficiency of individual gas pumping units and their complex, as well as for various measures to improve the efficiency implemented at compressor stations. The article presents the calculated ratios that reflect the complexity and universality of the applicability of the efficiency criterion.


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