Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University
Typification of geological sections of wells of the Upper Riphean and Vendian sediment complexes within the territory of the northern outskirts of the Pre-Patomic trough and the Aldan anteclise

UDC: 551.7.02
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2023-2(311)-5-14



1 National University of Oil and Gas “Gubkin University”, Moscow, Russian Federation
2 Gazprom, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation

Keywords: borehole correlation, Upper-Riphean and Vendian perspective intervals of the section, typification of well sections


The study of the geological structure of promising rock complexes is a prerequisite for conducting a qualitative assessment of the prospects of oil and gas potential of any territory. Large geological objects have been studied to one degree or another by deep drilling, but often extremely unevenly, as for instance the East Siberian Megaprovince, confined to the ancient Precambrian Siberian platform and the surrounding Mesozoic depressions and deflections. A significant area of the northern margins of the Pre-Patomsky trough and the Aldan anteclise belongs to poorly studied regions, only 35 wells have been drilled within its limits, revealing promising Upper-Riphean and Vendian intervals of the section. The complex tectonic structure of the region and the conditions for the formation of terrigenous-carbonate Riphean-Vendian deposits determined the uneven nature of the distribution of oil and gas prospective intervals of the section. The comparison of geological sections of wells in combination with the analysis of the results of core studies and seismic surveys allowed us to typify the sections in the studied area and identify a number of structural features of the Late Riphean and Vendian deposits of the northern margins of the Pre-Patomic trough and the Aldan anteclise.


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