Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013


UDC: 349.6:504.06:622.276
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2021-3(300)-38-44



1 CET MIPT, Dolgoprudny, Russian Federation
2 GEOKHI RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: oil spill dispersant; emergency oil spill; oil spill elimination plan; ecological legislation; ecology; dispersant effectiveness; test method for determining a dispersant effectiveness


The paper analyzes the contemporary legislative documentation regulating the use of chemical dispersants as a method of emergency oil spills elimination at the water surface in the Russian Federation. In connection with the changes in the environmental legislation that came into force on January 1, 2021, the use of chemicals as an independent method of oil spill elimination or an additional method to mechanical oil recovery for additional treatment of the water area is becoming especially relevant. It is noted that the previously adopted regulatory documentation governing the rules for the use of dispersants requires updating. The necessity of development and approving the test method for dispersant effectiveness determination in the Russian Federation based on the existing standard test methods ASTM F2059-17 (SFT-test) and ASTM F3251-17 (BFT-test) is substantiated. The test methods should be developed, considering some specific features of the produced oil composition and the characteristics of the regions, where these dispersants will be used. The influence of the laboratory method selection for determining the dispersant efficiency on the assessment of the dispersant possible use to eliminate an emergency oil spill response method is shown.


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