Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Changes in legislation in the field of land reclamation

UDC: 622.882
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-1(304)-55-59



1 SamaraNIPIneft LLC, Samara, Russian Federation

Keywords: reclamation, disturbed lands, environmental legislation


The article presents an analytical review of changes in legislation in the field of land reclamation in connection with the entry into force from 01.04.2021 of the following state standards: GOST R 59070-2020 "Environmental protection. Reclamation of disturbed and oil-polluted lands. Terms and definitions"; GOST R 59057-2020 "Environmental protection. Land. General requirements for the reclamation of disturbed lands"; GOST R 59060-2020 "Environmental protection. Land. Classification of disturbed lands for reclamation purposes". The requirements of the current regulations, regulations and standards for land reclamation are analyzed. Additions to the current state standards are proposed.


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