Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Assessment of the guilt degree of the participants in the industrial accident at the gas-filling station

UDC: 331.45+614.8.027
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-1(304)-8-13



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: gas filling station, point assessment, methods of risk analysis, the method "Why?", industrial accident, causes of accidents, degree of guilt, participant in the accident, human factor


The method of assessing the guilt degree of the fatal accident participants in the explosion of a fuel-air mixture at the gas filling station during repair work is considered. The method is based on the principle of shared participation of all persons established by the commission for the investigation of an industrial accident in violation of the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of occupational safety, industrial, fire and environmental safety. In order to reveal the causes of the industrial accident, the "STEP", "Task Analysis", "Fault Tree Analysis" and "Why?" methods were applied during the investigation. With the help of expert and score methods, scores for the main and related causes were established, the percentage degree of each participant guilt in the industrial accident was calculated. The developed method allows for clarity and transparency in the procedure for determining the degree of the insured (victim) fault as well as in the process of investigating accidents at work in general, thereby eliminating a gap in the Russian legislation. The method serves as an instrument for quantifying assessment of the impact of the human factor on accidents and injuries at production facilities, which increases the personal responsibility of each employee and motivation for safe work.


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