Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Oil within the Arctic gas-bearing province of the Western Siberia

DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-2(305)-56-63



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: oil, gas, Arctic gas bearing province, migration, zones of oil and gas formation, oil typification, oil density, oil rim


Within the territory of Arctic gas-bearing province in the West Siberian oil- and gas-bearing mega-province, along with the gas fields, oil accumulations of various reserves and age have been identified. Most of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sediments are located in the main gas formation zone, which ensures the continuous flow of gas and gas condensate into deposits of various sizes formed on the near and far migration of the Jurassic-Cretaceous generation-migration-accumulation system. In the marginal and southern parts of the Arctic region of the basin, various in volume oil accumulation zones and slow processes of deposits replenishment by oil in Jurassic and Cretaceous sediments have been preserved. However, the scale of hydrocarbons migration processes from gas accumulation sources is more than ten times exceeds the oil-generation capabilities of deposits in the oil accumulation zone, judging by the ratio of gas and oil in these deposits in the zones of their accumulation. At the same time, oil that is formed in the main zone of oil formation (peripheral regions and districts) and stays on the established migration routes undergoes dissolution processes in gas and gas condensate flows, retaining a regular trend of the oil total decrease in the total hydrocarbon volume of the region every year. A significant part of the reserves (more than a third part) of the oil deposits are heavy oil, which is away from the modern routes of hydrocarbon migration (oil deposits with non-renewable reserves). The Albian-Cenomanian deposits contain hydrocarbons of extreme density values: the lightest gas (only methane) and the heaviest oil. In the Kara Sea, deposits of volatile oil have been discovered only at the Pobeda field in the Jurassic deposits. As a result, in the Arctic gas-bearing province of the West Siberian mega-province, a gas environment with a sharply subordinate presence of oil in the form of oil rims (under-gas accumulations) of a limited number of oil and gas deposits was formed throughout the entire Jurassic-Cretaceous section of deposits is formed.


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