Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Geophysical surveys and criteria for the applicability of biological methods in the reclamation of oil polluted territories

UDC: 628.544
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-3(306)-12-19



1 Samara State Technical University, Samara, Russian Federation

Keywords: oil-contaminated territories, geophysical research, biodestruction, reclamation, neutralization, disposal


The results of engineering surveys are presented on the territory that has been contaminated with oil products for more than 30 years, which causes the multiplicity and unevenness of pollution, as well as the complexity of their detection. The application of geophysical research methods in detecting pollution of the geo-environment with oil products is considered. It has been determined that electrical tomography makes it possible to identify oil pollution with a high degree of reliability, to determine their depth and areal distribution. For the identified fragments of varying degrees of pollution, a biodegradation criterion is proposed, which allows assessing the possibility of using biological methods in land reclamation, as well as waste disposal. The use of the criterion will reduce the time for making a decision on the choice of restoration technology from engineering surveys to reclamation work.


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