Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
The use of oil sludge in the wall material production

UDC: 691.424.002
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-5(308)-47-53



1 Samara State University of Economics, Samara, Russia
2 Academician S.P. Korolev Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

Keywords: drilling sludge, inter-shale clay, wall materials


In modern economic conditions, with limited government funding of geological exploration, it is very important to make optimal decisions, for example, the use of waste from the fuel and energy complex. In addition, at present, traditional natural raw resources for the production of wall materials are being depleted, which will lead to products cost increase. The experience of advanced foreign countries has shown the technical feasibility of such a direction. To obtain the wall material as a thinning agent, for reducing the drying time of the wall material and as a burnout additive to stabilize the firing inside the product, oil production waste – drilling sludge was used, and as a binder, the waste of combustible shale – inter-shale clay without the use of traditional natural materials. The absolute advantage of using multi-tonnage waste of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) is the relieving of the environmental situation. The use of fuel and energy waste in the production of ceramic wall materials helps to reduce the negative impact of waste on the environment and expand the raw material base for ceramic construction materials.


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