Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
The content of heavy metals and arsenic in drilling slurries of the deposits in Khanty-Mansi – Yugra autonomous territory

UDC: 622.244-631.4
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-6(309)-38-44



1 Lukoil, Moscow, Russia
2 V.V. Dokuchaev Soil Institute, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: drilling sludge, heavy metals, arsenic, soil mixtures, fertility, reclamation


The results of determining the content of heavy metals and arsenic in 31 samples of drilling sludge (DS) of 13 oil fields in Khanty-Mansi – Yugra autonomous territory are presented. It is revealed that the contamination of DS by different elements differs. Especially significant contamination is produced by nickel and arsenic, which were detected in 90,3 and 87,5 % of samples, respectively. Samples contaminated by copper and lead were found rather seldom. In the overwhelming number of samples, the content of these metals (77,4 and 90,3 % of the total number of samples, respectively) did not exceed the existing standards. It is shown that one of the ways to reduce the toxic concentrations of elements in DS is to make soil mixtures from them by adding components with a very low content of heavy metals and arsenic to DS. Most of the studied BS (71 % of the total number) can be effectively used for the reclamation of sandy soils and sands. The mixing ratio of DS with environmentally friendly materials does not exceed 1:3.


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