Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions from factory oil furnaces by applying water or steam injection method

UDC: 662.61.074:665.6
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-6(309)-52-56



1 Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russia

Keywords: refinery tube kilns, gaseous and liquid fuels, oil-water emulsion, water or steam injection method, reduction of nitrogen oxide emissions, reduction of incomplete combustion products, GP-2 type gas-oil burner, energy-saving installation of a new design


The article justifies the feasibility of using the method of supplying steam or water to the combustion zone in order to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides during combustion of gaseous and liquid fuels in boilers and furnaces. The characteristic of the method of supplying steam or water to the combustion zone in terms of environmental aspects is given. The dependence on the introduction of water and steam into the burner flame and the subsequent decrease of the maximum temperature is shown graphically. Fundamentally new designs of a GP-2 type gas-oil burner and an energy-saving installation for burning an oil-water emulsion applying the method of water or steam injection into the fuel combustion zone have been developed and proposed for practical use. The authors’ technical developments are protected by patents for utility models, as they differ from existing analogues in the novelty of the device and the environmental effect.


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