Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Oil and gas regions of the Western Siberia taiga zone: monitoring of forest flammability and the current state of forest fire protection

UDC: 614.841.2
DOI: 10.33285/2411-7013-2022-6(309)-57-62



1 Tomsk National Research State University, Tomsk, Russia

Keywords: oil and gas complex, wildfire, fire safety, forest flammability, causes of fires


The state of the forests fund and their well-being ensures the possibility of operating existing gas and oil pipelines, power transmission lines (PTL) and other linear facilities as well as the planned construction of new branches of gas pipelines, oil pipelines, access roads and other routes. The development of the transport infrastructure of the oil industry in the Tomsk region is a complex strategic task, since most of the territory is difficult to access due to high waterlogging. The article presents an analysis of the forests burning in the indicated territory over a ten-year period, including the determination of the area for detecting and eliminating a fire, the type of territories covered by the fire, and the causes of fire occurrence. The influence of the enterprises of the oil and gas complex on the environment is analyzed, based on the causes of forest fires occurrence.


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