Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Modernization of the industrial wastewater preparation system using the example of gas condensate field No. 5 of the Urengoy oil and gas condensate field

UDC: 628.32
DOI: -



1 Gazprom dobycha Urengoy, Novy Urengoy, Russia

Keywords: wastewater treatment, sedimentation, settling tanks, filtration, sand filters, post-treatment, environmental monitoring, technological liquid


The article considers a system for removing wastewater pollutants from gas treatment facilities and a scheme for their disposal into absorption horizons. It has been determined that process fluids do not actually affect the filtration performances of the absorption formation, however, mechanical impurities in wastewater can clog porous zones and reduce the turnaround period of absorption wells. To eliminate the negative aftereffect, it was proposed to introduce additional wastewater treatment using a 200 m3 settling tank for sedimentation of fine impurities and a sand filter. Optimization of the wastewater treatment system will reduce the concentration of suspended solids by three times, which will have a positive effect on the filtration processes of the absorption formation, and will increase the turnaround period of the absorption well.


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