Scientific and technical journal

«Environmental protection in oil and gas complex»

ISSN 2411-7013

Environmental protection in oil and gas complex
Risk management of large-scale accidents occurrence on offshore platform

UDC: 331.45+614.8.084+621.039.586
DOI: -



1 Gazprom neft shelf, Saint Petersburg, Russia
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
3 UHSEP, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: oil and gas complex, hazardous production facility, large-scale accidents, safety, risks, bow-tie, safety barrier, offshore oil platform, performance indicators, integrated safety assessment, accidents scenarios, risk management


The authors of the article present the key outcomes obtained in the course of an oil company studies in the field of HSE risk management, specifically related to potential large-scale accidents, which can occur as a result of equipment wear and tear, violations during maritime, shipping operations and simultaneous operations and hazardous works in a confined space. Based on the Bow-tie method, the Diagram is given with an example of a comprehensive risk study, showing the cause-and-effect correlations of an accident when the integrity of equipment is lost, taking into account the operability of safety barriers. To ensure the efficiency of risk management system, the safety barriers were identified, ranked, their performance criteria were described, those responsible for ensuring the working condition of barriers were identified, the procedure for self-diagnosis of the safety barriers status was determined, visualization tools were developed. This information (about the current status and condition of safety barriers) can be demonstrated at various operational and management meetings with the participation of top managers of the company and allows the Company to get to and timely solve any potential problematic issues, related to maintaining the capacity or restoration of safety barriers.


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