Scientific and technical journal

«Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex»

ISSN 0132-2222

Automation and Informatization of the fuel and energy complex
Peculiarities of strategic planning of fuel and energy companies using a balanced performance scorecard

UDC: 681.5:622.276+622.279
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2022-6(587)-6-13



1 NIIgazekonomika, Moscow, Russia
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: balanced scorecard, strategic planning, development targets, development options, digitalization, economic and mathematical model, sensitivity analysis, analytical and digital tool, information and control system, fuel and energy complex


The subject of the study is the use of a balanced scorecard (BSC) in the strategic planning of companies in the fuel and energy complex (FEC). The authors of the article analyzed the strategic planning features in large fuel and energy companies, identified the main problems in the implementation of the BSC. The main tasks are determined, the solution of which should be directed by the system of strategic planning using the BSC of the fuel and energy company. The main principles of building a system of target indicators for the development of fuel and energy companies are formulated. Directions for the development and implementation of a strategic planning system in fuel and energy companies using the BSC as well as the digitalization of this process are proposed. The novelty of the study lies in the development of methodological principles and approaches for building a strategic planning system using the BSC, which allows using an analytical and digital tool to ensure the integration of the types of business of fuel and energy companies, to achieve systemic effects, taking into account the specifics of their activities.


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