On the influence of the model of leakage into the reservoir during hydraulic fracturing by compressive liquid
UDC: 532.546+519.63
DOI: 10.33285/2782-604X-2023-2(595)-25-30
1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
Keywords: compressible fluid hydraulic fracturing, leakage model, hydraulic fracture pressure
The article investigates the problem of modeling leakage into the reservoir during hydraulic fracturing (HF) using a fracturing fluid based on liquefied hydrocarbon gas. To calculate the mass leakage of a hydraulic fracturing compressible fluid through the walls of the fracture into the reservoir, the solution of the nonlinear piezoconductivity equation with a variable boundary condition in a one-dimensional formulation is considered. It is assumed that the coordinate is orthogonal to the direction of the fracture propagation, which corresponds to a plane-parallel flow. A solution is obtained, which is a generalization of Carter's empirical formula. A numerical model of hydraulic fracture propagation in a porous medium has been developed, which includes two processes: filtration of a compressible fracturing fluid in the formation and its flow inside the fracture. The problem is considered at a constant pressure of the injected hydraulic fracturing fluid at the bottom of the well, while modeling the fracture growth the Perkins – Kern model is used. The fracture growth equation takes into account seepage leaks into the reservoir based on the obtained solution; it is assumed that leaks are determined by the current pressure in the fracture in each of its sections. The results obtained in the course of seepage leaks calculation based on the solution found, which takes into account the growth of the boundary value of pressure with time in the course of hydraulic fracturing according to a power law, and according to the Carter formula at a constant pressure at the boundary, are comparatively analyzed.
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