Научно-технический журнал

«Onshore and offshore oil and gas well construction»

ISSN 0130-3872


UDC: [622.32+622.24]:550.833
DOI: 10.33285/0130-3872-2021-6(342)-52-58



Keywords: near-surface gas, shallow gas, arctic shelf, drilling, geophysics, risks, geological hazard, hydrocarbon deposits


Preparation of a hydrocarbon resource base on the Arctic shelf of the Russian Federation is one of the strategic tasks of the state. Among the problems of developing oil and gas fields on the shelf, the problem of ensuring industrial and environmental safety of well construction is an urgent one. It is known that in the process of drilling wells in the arctic and subarctic seas, there arise emergency situation scaused by the presence of near-surface gas of various genesis. Near-surface gas is a free gas of sediments that occurs in the bottom part of the section and at depths of up to 500-900 meters. Accumulations of gas in the upper part of the section (UPS) are found in the form of "gas pipes," "pockets," and "griffins," screened by a local clay stratum. The presence of such accumulations of free gas is traditionally identified by high-resolution seismic exploration methods in the form of acoustic windows in the upper part of the surface, as well as by using geophysical well surveys (GIS). In order to identify shallow (near-surface) gas, a comprehensive interpretation of well logging data was performed in the wells of the gas condensate fields of the Ob and Taz bays of the Kara Sea. For the first time, based on the well logging data obtained at the Chugoryakhinskoye and Obskoye fields, based on the anomalies of the apparent resistivity of rocks, the presence of near-surface gas in the form of separate layers was established: at depths of 228 and 283 m with a thickness of 1 and 1,5 m (in the Chugoryakhinskaya well No. 2), and at the depths of 408 and 448 m of 2 and 1 m thickness, respectively (in the Obskaya No. 1 well). The saturation of these layers by gas is beyond doubt. One of the reasons for the formation of such shallow accumulations of the near-surface gas can be sub-vertical migration from the Cenomanian deposit. Based on the research results, the presence of risks during offshore wells drilling was established. In order to minimize risks, it is recommended to drill pilot boreholes with logging while drilling (LWD), which will reliably identify the near-surface gas, if any.


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