Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex

UDC: 332.1:338.45
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2021-11(203)-17-25



1 JSC Gazprom Promgaz, Vidnoye, Moscow region, Russian Federation
2 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russian Federation

Keywords: multi-criteria assessment, risk, Bayesian strategy, game with nature, convolution of criteria, Borda count, Pareto comparison


This article is dedicated to solving the problems of multi-criteria evaluation of options for the gas refilling complex (GRC/AGZK) development projects in the context of uncertainty and risks. The subject of the research is a set of economic and mathematical approaches to assessing the risks of developing gas refilling infrastructure. A mechanism for choosing the optimal fuel for transferring vehicles and forming a gas filling infrastructure based on a balanced system of indicators in conditions of uncertainty and risk is proposed. The article reviews risks both in a narrow and broad sense. The purpose of the article is to model and optimize the multi-criteria assessment of risks and the effectiveness of the AGZK development. The risk evaluation task is solved using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The paper shows that in a broad sense risk evaluation comes down to a solution to a game with nature, where: 1) many criteria are used to assess the states of nature; 2) the effectiveness (loss) of development options are assessed using the effectivity and risk criteria adopted in the game theory with nature, including risk interpretation as standard deviation; 3) the best Bayesian strategy (option) of development according to a specific criterion is calculated both under partial and complete uncertainty; 4) multi-criteria evaluation and selection of the best option for the GRC/AGZK development is based on multi-criteria ranking and decision-making according to the Borda count. The presented methods combine the use of expert assessments and rigorous mathematical methods, make it possible to carry out a multi-criteria assessment and selection of the optimal option for the development of AGZK in conditions of uncertainty and risk, and can be used by business entities of various organizational and legal forms to improve the efficiency of functioning and prevent risks of losses in the long and short term.


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