
Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
Development of employees adaptive training mechanism in oil and gas companies

UDC: 331.108+622.276
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2022-11(215)-17-21



1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia

Keywords: training of personnel, adaptive development of personnel, Gazprom, professional and personal competencies, mobility in the labor market


At the moment, domestic companies of the fuel and energy complex pay great attention to innovative administration and labor economy in the field of their own personnel of industry organizations. It should be noted that their leadership in the most severe conditions of savings still allocates certain items of costs for adaptive development, including rotation, intellectual mobility and comprehensive training in the field of advanced digital technologies in this area. Thus, remote employment and post-covid reality technologies, as well as the development of competitive competencies among employees of oil and gas companies, especially in the context of increasingly automated production activities, are becoming quite dynamic and diverse, where they already have serious corporate educational systems; develop and practice in their activities innovative types of training and development of their own personnel, stimulating them to various more active internal and sometimes external movements and labor mobility in the labor market. Today, both the oil and gas industry as a whole and the current situation for Russia are directly forced to face certain problems and challenges in the context of the labor productivity decrease due to the influence of the market economy and instability of oil and gas prices. Consequently, serious research and development to stimulate the labor intellectual mobility of the industry companies personnel with the aim of strategic vision and creative thinking of the oil and gas companies personnel in general and the companies of Group "Gazprom", specifically, are of real key importance for the substantial development of performance skills and the ability to adapt flexibly, promotes competencies for cooperation and communication of high-quality and highly qualified personnel, both for the domestic oil and gas industry in general and within our country in particular.


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