Knowledge-based economy as an element of the organization's management in the context of changes
UDC: 65.01
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2022-11(215)-35-42
1 National University of Oil and Gas "Gubkin University", Moscow, Russia
Keywords: knowledge management, knowledge-based economy, human capital, human resources, organization management, innovation management, changes in the internal environment, changes in the external environment
The increasing speed of changes faced by companies in modern conditions, the intensification of competition in the field of innovation, the implementation of import substitution programs, the optimization of human resource management requires the development of a qualitatively new approach to management in the organization. Relevant and determining the effectiveness of the company's work is the methods offered within the competence of knowledge-management. The article examines the experience of Russian companies, actualizes the structure of a modern company with the use of advanced technological solutions for accumulation, optimization and effective access to accumulated information resources in the field of a company’s operational activities of. The relevance of HR programs in the development of new, breakthrough solutions, talent management and generation of innovative ideas is also proved. It is the changing environment in which modern companies operate that requires a more careful research of the fundamental, basic foundations of knowledge-based economy, thus allowing to respond to changes, thereby increasing not only competitiveness, but also the company's presence on the market, its successful operation.
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