Scientific and economic journal

«Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex»

ISSN 1999-6942

Problems of economics and management of oil and gas complex
On the problematic issues of tariffs regulation of the main pipeline transportation of oil and oil products

UDC: 374.4
DOI: 10.33285/1999-6942-2023-2(218)-34-40



1 Transneft, Moscow, Russia

Keywords: transportation of oil and oil products, main pipeline, Transneft, Transnefteprodukt, regulatory problems, separate cost accounting, common principles and methods, change of approach to regulation of a system of pipeline transportation of oil and oil products


The article considers the issues related to the state regulation of such a sphere of natural monopolies as "transportation of oil and oil products through main pipelines". The Federal law "On natural monopolies" unfortunately does not contain definitions of what "transportation of oil and petroleum products" is, what "main pipeline" is. Despite this fact, since 1997, regulation has been carried out according to separate methods for both oil and oil products. Taking into account the changes that have taken place in this area in connection with the decision taken in 2007 to merge the oil transportation system (Transneft) and the oil products transportation system (Transnefteprodukt) into Transneft, a single Russian system of trunk pipelines, further on, work practice showed a significant proximity of these two sub-types of pipeline transport both in terms of production and technical aspects (transportation, main pipeline) and regulation (single principles and methods). The author believes that the time has come for developing new approaches to the regulation of a unified system of pipeline transportation of oil and oil products, which can significantly reduce the amount of regulatory work and simplify tariff monitoring as well as optimize the transport component of automobile fuel and, ultimately, reduce its price.


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