Scientific and technical journal
«Proceedings of Gubkin University»
ISSN 2073-9028

UDC: 661.91-404
DOI: -

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas
Keywords: liquefaction of natural gas, LNG, acid gas removal, gas dehydration, mercury removal, small-scale LNG production
Before natural gas enters the liquefaction unit at the LNG plant it should be prepared to meet the requirements for the content of hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, mercaptans, mercury, water, and other impurities. For this purpose input slug catchers, acid gas removal units, dehydration units and mercury removal units are placed in the train. The article gives an overview of Russian and foreign publications on new technologies of gas purification and dehydration for LNG production. The classification and short description of processes for acid gases removal from natural gas, including absorption, adsorption and membrane processes are presented. Absorption processes include chemical absorption with amine solutions, physical absorption, and mixed solvents absorption. Characteristics of various types of molecular sieves for dehydration units are given. The existing and prospective technologies of mercury removal process by chemical adsorption are described. Particular attention is paid to the gas pre-treatment technologies for small-scale LNG production.
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