
Scientific and technical journal

«Proceedings of Gubkin University»

ISSN 2073-9028

Proceedings of Gubkin University

UDC: 552.1:53
DOI: -


Abrosimov Andrey A.1,
Shelyago Yevgenyi V.1,
Yazinina Irena V.1

1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University)

Keywords: X-ray tomography, pore space, permeability, low-permeability reservoir, petrophysical relationships


Using X-ray tomography data to calculate rock properties is a promising direction in petrophysics. However, when calculating filtration characteristics, researchers face various problems and limitations, one of which is insufficient resolution of X-ray tomographs, which does not allow registering pores and channels that are smaller than the resolving capacity of the device. This leads to the fact that the model of pore space loses its connection, and therefore it becomes impossible to carry out mathematical modeling at the pore scale by evaluating the filtration characteristics of rocks. The algorithm for restoring the connectivity of the pore space model is described. This allows modeling fluids and calculating the reservoir properties of rocks in conditions of restricted resolution of X-ray tomography. The working capacity of the proposed method is checked. Thus, the proposed method of preparing X-ray tomography data allows obtaining the result quickly and without additional studies, which ultimately expands the field of application of X-ray tomography.


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