UDC: 622.621.6
DOI: 10.33285/2073-9028-2020-4(301)-77-90
Dergunov Vsevolod S.1,
Shestakov Roman A.1
1 Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University), Moscow, Russian Federation
Keywords: gas engine fuel, compressed natural gas, liquefied natural gas, ope-rating costs, life cycle cost, main cargo transportation, state subsidies.
The issue of rational use of gas-diesel and gas trucks in one of the main segments of their application, i.e. main cargo transportation is considered. The purpose of the work is to justify the rationality of using a certain fuel modification of a truck, depending on its tactical and technical characteristics and economic indicators, taking into account the requirements for a power reserve of at least 1000 km. For this purpose, a comparative analysis of the main truck tractors “KAMAZ” was carried out. From the presented model range, a selection of models suitable for main cargo transportation was made: diesel and gas-diesel on compressed natural gas and gas on liquefied natural gas. According to the chosen method, the operating costs are calculated for the following items: depreciation charges, fuel and lubricants costs, repair and wear of automobile tires, maintenance and maintenance costs, and unit costs per ton-kilometer for each modification. The distortion of the true range of annual mileage is shown for the rational use of each modification, taking into account only the operating costs of the vehicle. The dependences of the life cycle costs on the annual mileage of the car are constructed, on the basis of which the true ranges of the annual mileage are allocated for the rational choice of a particular modification of the vehicle. The research considers the current subsidy measures to support the gas engine fuel market. The dependences of specific operating costs and life cycle costs are constructed, taking into account changes in their initial cost, which is reduced due to state subsidies provided for the purchase of equipment. The importance of choosing a criterion for evaluating the economic efficiency of a truck is shown.
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