

All scientific and technical articles published in Gubkin University journals undergo a mandatory review procedure.

1.The review procedure enables:

  • the Editorial Office and the Editorial Board to select and publish the materials that are most relevant for the industry and interesting for readers;
  • authors to receive expert advice and recommendations on how to improve their work from lead industry reviewers;
  • the professional community to receive thoroughly validated scientific and technical information.

2. One-sided anonymous (blind) peer review is accepted as the basic model: a reviewer has information about a group of authors, the name of a reviewer is known to editors only and is disclosed only with the consent of a reviewer.

Articles of postgraduate students are accepted by the editorial board for consideration only if recommendation of a supervisor is provided.

3. Materials received by the Editorial Office are sent for review to specialists in the relevant research field.

4. The decision on publication is made by the Editorial Board of a journal, based on the expert review, taking into account the compliance of submitted materials with the thematic focus of the journal, scientific significance and relevance.

5. Materials that received negative reviews are rejected by the decision of the Editorial Board. An article that needs revision is sent to the author along with comments of the reviewer. The author should take into account all comments and make changes to the electronic version of the text, and return the article to the Editorial Office, where it is reviewed again. In case of disagreement with the reviewer, the author should briefly and clearly justify his/her position.

4. The Editorial Office reserves the right to reject articles that do not correspond to the profile of a journal or do not follow the rules.

5. Materials that received positive review are sent to the Editorial Office for publication, and the authors receive an approval.

6. Copies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of the corresponding request to the Editorial Office.

7. The retention period of reviews in the Editorial Office is at least 5 years.